Doryrhamphus (Doryrhamphus) janssi (photo by Mark Strickland)
Doryrhamphus (Doryrhamphus) janssi, 15.7 cm SL (from Seram, Indonesia; photo by Seishi Kimura)
Doryrhamphus (Doryrhamphus) janssi (Herald and Randall, 1972) Janss' Pipefish
D 22-25; A 4; P1 19-21.
Trunk rings 16; tail rings 21-23; first trunk ring much longer than second. Superior trunk and tail ridges discontinuous; inferior trunk ridge ending on anal ring; lateral trunk ridge confluent with inferior tail ridge. Snout with 1-5 rows of dorsolateral spinules; dermal flaps absent. Principal ridges of posterior predorsal rings with 2 spines on each ring. Pectoral fins typically emarginated; caudal fin large, typically with 10 rays. Membranous pouch folds present in brooding males, locating under trunk. Color: middle section of body orange, head and tail section blue, caudal fin large black with white center. Size: maximum length about 16 cm. Distribution: Western Central Pacific, from Andaman Sea and Gulf of Thailand to Solomon Islands, north to the Philippines, south to Queensland. Remarks: found in tide pools and reef crevices. Also found in sheltered inner reefs, usually in caves with sponges and below large plate corals.