Terapon jarbua, 3.2 cm SL (photo by Seishi Kimura)
Terapon jarbua (Forsskål, 1775) Jarbus Terapon
D XI-XII, 9-11; A III, 7-10; LLp 75-100; GR 6-8 + 12-15.
A moderatesized species; body oblong and moderately compressed. Preopercle strongly serrate, particularly at angle; lower opercular spine very long and strong, extending distinctly beyond margin of opercular lobe; posttemporal bone expanded, exposed and serrate posteriorly. Caudal fin emarginate. Color: body silvery grayish dorsally and silvery white ventrally; 3 or 4 dark brown or black downwardly curved longitudinal stripes on body; spinous portion of dorsal fin with a black blotch dorsally between third and sixth spines; both caudal fin lobes with dark tips and a transverse band. Size: maximum length about 35 cm, commonly between 20 and 27 cm. Distribution: Indo-Pacific: East Africa to Samoa, north to southern Japan, south to Australia. Remarks: found over shallow sandy bottoms, in the vicinity of river mouths. Enters estuaries and rivers. Omnivorous, feeding on fishes, insects, algae, and sanddwelling invertebrates.