Terapon puta, 3.7 cm SL (photo by Koichi Shibukawa)
Terapon puta Cuvier, 1829 Small-scaled Terapon
D XI-XII, 9-11; A III, 8-9; LLp 70-85; GR 7-9 + 18-24.
A small-sized species; body elongate and laterally compressed. Preopercle strongly serrate, with large spine at angle; lower opercular spine very long and strong, extending distinctly beyond margin of opercular lobe; posttemporal bone expanded, exposed and serrate posteriorly. Caudal fin emarginate. Color: body light gray or brown dorsally, tan or silvery white ventrally; 4 straight, narrow dark brown longitudinal stripes on body; spinous portion of dorsal fin with a blackish blotch dorsally between third or fourth and seventh or eighth spines; soft portion of dorsal fin with a black blotch along top of anterior rays; both caudal fin lobes with dark tips and a transverse band. Size: maximum length about 15 cm, commonly between 11 and 13 cm. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific: East Africa to New Guinea and Vanuatu, and north to Philippines. Remarks: inhabits inshore waters, sometimes entering brackish and freshwater and mangrove areas. Feeds on small fishes and invertebrates.