Terapon theraps, 12.3 cm SL (photo by Seishi Kimura)
Terapon theraps Cuvier, 1829 Largescaled Terapon
D XI-XII, 9-11; A III, 7-9; P1 14-15; LLp 46-56; GR 6-8 + 14-17.
Body oblong, moderately compressed. Preopercle serrate, the serrations largest at angle; lower opercular spine very long and strong, extending distinctly beyond margin of opercular lobe; posttemporal bone expanded, exposed and serrate posteriorly. Spinous part of dorsal fin strongly arched and deeply notched; penultimate spine about half length of ultimate spine. Caudal fin emarginate with rounded lobes. Color: body dusky dorsally, silvery white ventrally; 4 dark brown horizontal stripes on body; spinous part of dorsal fin with black blotch dorsally on fin membranes between third and seventh spine; caudal fin with median rays pigmented; each caudal lobe with 1 transverse stripe, upper lobe with black tip. Size: maximum length about 30 cm, commonly to 20 cm. Distribution: Indo-Pacific, from East Africa and Red Sea to Solomon Islands. Remarks: found in inshore waters, sometimes entering brackish waters. Feeds on invertebrates and smaller fishes.