Arothron nigropunctatus (photo by Suraphong Banchongmanee)
Arothron nigropunctatus (photo by Suraphong Banchongmanee)
Arothron nigropunctatus (Bloch and Schneider, 1801) Blackspotted Puffer
D 10-11 (usually 10); A 10-11(usually 11); P1 17-19.
Head and body covered with small spinules except for snout and posterior part of caudal peduncle. Nasal organ with 2 bifid fleshy flaps. Color: body gray to brown dorsally, paler ventrally, but always with widely scattered black spots of different size and usually with a transverse pale band dorsally on snout separating dark areas around eye and mouth. Size: maximum 25 cm. Distribution: Widespread in tropical Indo-West Pacific from South Africa eastward to Samoa, northward to southern Japan. Remarks: occurring in coral reefs and feeding primarily on live corals and other coelenterates.