Helcogramma striata (photo by Mark Strickland)
Helcogramma striata Hansen, 1986 Neon Triplefin
D III+ XII-XV + 9-12; A II, 17-23; P1 15; P2 I, 2; LLp 14-20; MP 3 + 2 + 3.
Body slender. Supraorbital region lacking tentacles. Lateral line ending under 10th-17th dorsal fin elements. Head, abdomen and pectoral-fin base naked. Color: body and head red dorsally, green to blue ventrally; 3 longitudinal blue stripes on each side of body running from snout to caudal peduncle; a row of 6-7 blue spots present just below to lateral line and on caudal peduncle; dorsal fins usually red, each with blue longitudinal stripe near base. Size: attaining to 5.7 cm. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific, including Sri Lanka, Andaman Sea, southern Japan, Indonesia, northern Australia and Solomon Islands. Remarks: present species lacks sexual dimorphism.