Fistularia commersonii, FRLM 30624, 27.7 cm SL

Fistularia commersonii Rüppell, 1835
Bluespotted cornetfish

D 14 - 17; A 14 - 16; P1 14 - 16. Body extremely elongate, slightly depressed; snout prolonged and tubular, posttemporal ridge smooth. No elongate bony plates along midline of back; posterior lateral line ossifications without spines. Forked caudal fin with long whip-like tail filament. Color: brownish to olive above, becoming lighter to silvery below; a pair of blue stripes or rows of blue spots on the back; dorsal and anal fins orange becoming transparent at base; caudal filament white. Juveniles may have dark barred pattern with a dusky caudal fin filament. Size: maximum length about 160 cm, commonly to 100 cm. Distri-bution: Indo-Pacific: Red Sea and East Africa to Rapa and Easter Island, north to southern Japan, south to Australia and New Zealand. Often misidentified as F. petimba, a reddish or brownish-orange deep water species with bony plates along dorsal midline. Remarks: most common in seagrass beds and coral reefs in shallow water either solitary or in schools. Feed on small fishes, crustaceans and squids.