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国立科学博物館研究報告 B類(植物学)
Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series B (Botany) |
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研究報告 B類(植物学) 第28巻第1号
Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series B (Botany) Volume 28 Number 1 |
March 2002 |
柏谷博之,Kwang-Hee Moon:
P.1 |
韓国産カラタチゴケ属地衣類(子嚢菌亜門:カラタチゴケ科)の新種及び稀産種 |
Hiroyuki Kashiwadani and Kwang-Hee Moon: |
A New or Interesting Species of the Genus Ramalina (Ascomycotina: Ramalinaceae) from Korea and Japan |
P.7 |
Four Arctic-alpine or Bipolar Species of Lecidea (Lichenes) New to the Hawaii Islands (英文) |
Masakane Inoue: |
Four Arctic-alpine or Bipolar Species of Lecidea (Lichenes) New to the Hawaii Islands |
柿嶌 眞,小野義隆,D. Wahyuno,X. Zhou,M. Zang:
P.11 |
1998年に中国雲南省で採集したPhragmidium属さび菌 |
Makoto Kakishima, Yoshitaka Ono, Dono Wahyuno, Xuan Zhou, and Mu Zang: |
Rust Fungi of Phragmidium (Uredinales) from Yunnan Province, China, Collected in 1998 |
P.19 |
国立科学博物館所蔵変形菌類タイプ標本の研究 |
Hiromitsu Hagiwara and Yukinori Yamamoto: |
Type Collection of Myxomycetes in the National Science Museum, Tokyo (TNS) |