Database for Aquatic-vertebrate Science
論文 [2001-] [1979-1990] [1991-2000] [2001-] |
Yamanoue, Y., M. Miya, K. Matsuura, N. Yagishita, K. Mabuchi, H. Sakai, M. Katoh and M. Nishida. 2007. Phylogenetic position of tetraodontiform fishes within the higher teleosts: Baesian inferences based on 44 whole mitochondrial genome sequences. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 45: 89-101.
松浦啓一. 2005. トラフグ属の学名はなぜTakifugu Abe, 1949となるのか. 魚類学雑誌, 52(2): 161-165. 松浦啓一. 2005. オキハギ属2種の和名と学名. 魚類学雑誌, 52(2): 161. 松浦啓一. 2005. 移入種による生物多様性の攪乱. 生物科学, 56(2): 66-68. |
松浦啓一. 2004. 生物多様性研究と標本データベースの役割. 学術月報, 57(12):1064-1069. Yamanoue, Y., M. Miya, K. Matsuura, M. Katoh, H. Sakai, and M. Nishida. 2004. Mitochondrial genomes and phylogeny of the ocean sunfishes (Tetraodontiformes: Molidae). Ichthyol. Res., 51: 269-273 Matsuura, K. and T. Yoshino. 2004. A new triggerfish of the genus Abalistes (Tetraodontiformes: Balistidae) from the western Pacific. Rec. Aust. Mus., 56(2): 189-194. Iguchi, K., K. Matsuura, K. M. McNyset, T. Peterson, R. Scachetti-Pereira, K. A. Powers, D. A. Vieglais, E. O. Wiley and T. Yodo. 2004. Predicting invasions of North American basses in Japan using native range data and a genetic algorithm. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc., 133: 843-852. Matsuura, K. 2004. Comparisons of fish faunas in Japan and Korea. Natn. Sci. Mus. Monogr., (24): 273-277. 加藤雅啓・松浦啓一. 2004. 日本分類学会連合の活動. 生物科学, 55(2): 66-70. 松浦啓一・瀬能 宏. 2004. 日本に魚は何種いるのか ―既知種と未知種をめぐる問題―. 生物科学, 55(2): 79-86. |
Yamanoue, Y. and K. Matsuura. 2003. Redescription of Neoscombrops cynodon (Regan, 1921), a senior synonym of Neoscombrops annectens Gilchrist, 1922 (Perciformes: Acropomatidae). Ichthyol. Res., 50: 288-292. Imamura, H. and K. Matsuura. 2003. Redefinition and phylogenetic relationships of the family Pinguipedidae (Teleostei: Perciformes). Ichthyol. Res., 50: 259-269. Imamura, H. and K. Matsuura. 2003. Record of a sandperch, Parapercis xanthozona (Actinopterygii: Pinguipedidae), from Japan, with comments on its synonymy. Species Diversity, 8: 27-33. |
Senou, H., G. Shinohara, K. Matsuura, K. Furuse, S. Kato and T. Kikuchi. 2002. Fishes of Hachijo-jima Island, Izu Islands Group, Tokyo Japan. Mem. Natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, (38): 195-237. Matsuura, K. 2002. A review of two morphologically similar puffers, Chelonodon laticeps and C. patoca. Natn. Sci. Mus. Monogr., (22): 175-180. Matsuura, K. and H. Senou. 2002. Fish databases in Japan with special reference to fish-image database and its role in biodiversity study. Res. Rep. Natn. Env. Stud., Japan, (171): 220-227. Yamanoue, Y. and K. Matsuura. 2002. A new species of the genus Acropoma (Perciformes: Acropomatidae) from the Philippines. Ichthyol. Res., 49(1): 21-24. Yano, K. and K. Matsuura. 2002. A review of the genus Oxynotus (Squaliformes, Oxynotidae). Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, Ser. A, 28: 109-117. Yamanoue, Y. and K. Matsuura. 2002. First record of the acropomatid fish Synagrops serratospinosus (Actinopterygii: Teleostei: Perciformes) from Australia. Species Diversity, 7: 381-385. Yano, K., K. Matsuura and O. Tsukada. 2002. Redescription of the rare squaloid shark Oxynotus japonicus from Suruga Bay and the Enshu-nada Sea, Japan. Species Diversity, 7: 363-369. Sagara, T., K. Matsuura, A. Sato and J. Shimura. 2002. Development of a specimen map browser using a robust geo-coding algorithm. DBSJ Letters, 1: 39-42. Matsuura, K. 2002. Molidae. Pages 2014-2015 in K. E. Carpenter, eds FAO Species Identification Guide for Fishery Purposes. The Living Marine Resources of the Western Central Atlantic, Volume 3. Bony Fishes Part 2 (Opistognathidae to Molidae), Sea Turtles and Marine Mammals. Rome, FAO. Matsuura, K. 2002. Ostraciidae. Pages 1980-1987 in K. E. Carpenter, eds FAO Species Identification Guide for Fishery Purposes. The Living Marine Resources of the Western Central Atlantic, Volume 3. Bony Fishes Part 2 (Opistognathidae to Molidae), Sea Turtles and Marine Mammals. Rome, FAO. Matsuura, K. 2002. Monacanthidae. Pages 1970-1979 in K. E. Carpenter, ed. FAO Species Identification Guide for Fishery Purposes. The Living Marine Resources of the Western Central Atlantic, Volume 3. Bony Fishes Part 2 (Opistognathidae to Molidae), Sea Turtles and Marine Mammals. Rome, FAO. Matsuura, K. 2002. Balistidae. Pages 1963-1969 in K. E. Carpenter, ed. FAO Species Identification Guide for Fishery Purposes. The Living Marine Resources of the Western Central Atlantic, Volume 3. Bony Fishes Part 2 (Opistognathidae to Molidae), Sea Turtles and Marine Mammals. Rome, FAO. Matsuura, K. 2002. Triacanthodidae. Pages 1960-1962 in K. E. Carpenter, ed. FAO Species Identification Guide for Fishery Purposes. The Living Marine Resources of the Western Central Atlantic, Volume 3. Bony Fishes Part 2 (Opistognathidae to Molidae), Sea Turtles and Marine Mammals. Rome, FAO. |
Shinohara, G., H. Endo, K. Matsuura and Y. Machida. 2001. Annotated checklist of the deepwater fishes from Tosa Bay, Japan. Pages 283-343 in T. Fujita, H. Saito and M. Takeda (eds). Deep-sea Fauna and Pollutants in Tosa Bay. Natn. Sci. Mus. Mongr., (20). Matsuura, K. (ed.). 2001. Marine Fauna of the Shallow Waters around Hainan Island, South China Sea. Natn. Sci. Mus. Monogr., (21), 126 pp. Matsuura, K., K. Shibukawa, G. Shinohara, J. Liu. 2001. Fishes collected from the shallow waters of Hainan Island, South China Sea. Pages 101-126 in K. Matsuura (ed.). Marine Fauna of the Shallow Waters around Hainan Island, South China Sea. Natn. Sci. Mus. Monogr., (21). Peristiwady, T., S. Kimura and K. Matsuura. 2001. Fishes of the family Lethrinidae collected from Kupang, Timor, Indonesia. Proc. 11th JSPS Joint Sem. Mar. Sci., pp. 140-150. 松浦啓一.2001. フグ科魚類の自然史.遺伝、55(4): 26-30. Yamanoue, Y. and K. Matsuura. 2001. Description of two new acropomatid species of the genus Malakichthys (Teleostei: Perciformes) from Australia. Bull. Mar. Sci., 69(3): 1139-1147. Matsuura, K. 2001. Tetraodontidae. Pages 3954-3957 in K. E. Carpenter and V. H. Niem, eds. FAO Species Identification Guide for Fishery Purposes. The Living Marine Resources of the Western Central Pacific, Volume 6. Bony Fishes Part 4 (Labridae to Latimeriidae), Estuarine Crocodiles, Sea Turtles, Sea Snakes and Marine Mammals. Rome, FAO. Matsuura, K. 2001. Triodontidae. Page 3953 in K. E. Carpenter and V. H. Niem, eds. FAO Species Identification Guide for Fishery Purposes. The Living Marine Resources of the Western Central Pacific, Volume 6. Bony Fishes Part 4 (Labridae to Latimeriidae), Estuarine Crocodiles, Sea Turtles, Sea Snakes and Marine Mammals. Rome, FAO. Matsuura, K. 2001. Aracanidae. Page 3952 in K. E. Carpenter and V. H. Niem, eds. FAO Species Identification Guide for Fishery Purposes. The Living Marine Resources of the Western Central Pacific, Volume 6. Bony Fishes Part 4 (Labridae to Latimeriidae), Estuarine Crocodiles, Sea Turtles, Sea Snakes and Marine Mammals. Rome, FAO. Matsuura, K. 2001. Ostraciidae. Pages 3948-3951 in K. E. Carpenter and V. H. Niem, eds. FAO Species Identification Guide for Fishery Purposes. The Living Marine Resources of the Western Central Pacific, Volume 6. Bony Fishes Part 4 (Labridae to Latimeriidae), Estuarine Crocodiles, Sea Turtles, Sea Snakes and Marine Mammals. Rome, FAO. Matsuura, K. 2001. Balistidae. Pages 3911-3928 in K. E. Carpenter and V. H. Niem, eds. FAO Species Identification Guide for Fishery Purposes. The Living Marine Resources of the Western Central Pacific, Volume 6. Bony Fishes Part 4 (Labridae to Latimeriidae), Estuarine Crocodiles, Sea Turtles, Sea Snakes and Marine Mammals. Rome, FAO. Matsuura, K. 2001. Triacanthidae. Pages 3905-3910 in K. E. Carpenter and V. H. Niem, eds. FAO Species Identification Guide for Fishery Purposes. The Living Marine Resources of the Western Central Pacific, Volume 6. Bony Fishes Part 4 (Labridae to Latimeriidae), Estuarine Crocodiles, Sea Turtles, Sea Snakes and Marine Mammals. Rome, FAO. Matsuura, K. 2001. Triacanthodidae. Pages 3902-3904 in K. E. Carpenter and V. H. Niem, eds. FAO Species Identification Guide for Fishery Purposes. The Living Marine Resources of the Western Central Pacific, Volume 6. Bony Fishes Part 4 (Labridae to Latimeriidae), Estuarine Crocodiles, Sea Turtles, Sea Snakes and Marine Mammals. Rome, FAO. |
Yamanoue, Y., M. Miya, K.
Matsuura, M. Katoh, H. Sakai
and M. Nishida. 2004. Mitochondrial genomes and phylogeny of the ocean
sunfishes (Tetraodontiformes: Molidae). Ichthyol. Res., 51: 269-273. Yamanoue, Y. and K. Matsuura. 2004. A review of the genus Malakichthys Do¨derlein (Perciformes: Acropomatidae) with the description of a new species. J. Fish Biol., 65: 511-529. |
[1979-1990] [1991-2000] [2001-] |