Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series D (Anthropology) |
date of publication |
Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series D (Anthropology) Volume 11 |
December 1985 |
Hajime Sakura: |
P.1 |
Low Incidence of Dental Caries among a Rural Population
in the Early Modern Age Unearthed from Oterayama Site |
Myra Shackeley, Kazuhisa Komura, Takumi Hayashi,
Motoji Ikea, Shoji Matsu'ura, Nobuo Ueta : |
P.7 |
Chronometric Dating of Bone from Namib IV
Acheulean Site, South West Africa/Namibia |
Bin Yamaguchi: |
P.13 |
The Incidence of Minor Non-metric Cranial Variants in the
Protohistoric Human Remains from Eastern Japan |
Yuji Mizoguchi: |
P.25 |
A Preliminary Evaluation of the Relationship between Dental Structure and Occlusal Wear Planes by the Method
of Canonical Correlation Analysis |