Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series D (Anthropology) |
date of publication |
Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series D (Anthropology) Volume 14 |
December 1988 |
Hajime Sakura:
P.1 |
Tooth Size of the Early Modern Population From the Oterayama Site Compared with That of the Recent Japanese |
Hisao Baba:
P.9 |
Locomotor Adaptation of the Structur of Proximal Humerus in the Primates and Other Mammals. |
Bin Yamaguchi:
P.19 |
Protohistoric Human Skeletal Remains from the Goshozan Cave Site in Ishinomak |
Yuji Mizonoguchi:
P.29 |
Degree of Bilateral Asymmetry of Nonmetric Tooth Crown Characters Quantified by the Tetrachoric Correlation Method |