Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series D (Anthropology) |
date of publication |
Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series D (Anthropology) Volume 17 |
December 1991 |
Hisao Baba, Fachroel Aziz:
P.1 |
Hominid Skull Fragments found in 1979 from Sangiran, Central Java
Bin Yamaguchi:
P.9 |
The Foot Bones of the Jomon Remains from the Ebishima (Kaitori) Shell Mound in Hanaizumi, Iwate Prefecture |
Hirofumi Matsumura:
P.29 |
Deciduous Tooth Size in the Prehistoric Jomon and Yayoi Peoples of Japan |
Yuji Mizoguchi:
P.31 |
Covariations in Craniofacial Measurements Caoused by Arificial Deformations of the Cranial Vault |