Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series D (Anthropology) |
date of publication |
Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series D (Anthropology) Volume 20 |
December 1994 |
Hisao Baba: |
P.1 |
Re-examination of the Flatness of the Jomon Tibiae
from Tsukumo Shell-Mounds Site, Okayama
Prefecture, Western Japan |
Vadhana Subhavan, Somsak Pramankij, Hirofumi Matsumura,
Nobuo Shigehara, Naoyuki 0hshima: |
P.23 |
Prehistoric Human Remains from Tam Nai U-Bol,
Amphoe Sai-Yok, Thailand |
Bin Yamaguchi: |
P.38 |
The Pectoral and Pelvic Girdles of the People of the Okhotsk
Culture from the Omisaki Site in Hokkaido |
Yuji Mizoguchi: |
P.47 |
Morphological Covariation between the Neurocranium and the Lumbar Vertebrae: Toward the Solution
of the Brachycephalization Problem |