Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series D (Anthropology) |
date of publication |
Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series D (Anthropology) Volume 26 |
December 2000 |
Bin Yamaguchi, Hajime Ishida: |
P.1 |
Human Skeletal Remains of the Heian Period from the Tekiana Cave Site on Tobi-shima, Yamagata Prefecture |
Yuji Mizoguchi: |
P.19 |
Strong Associations beteween Cranial Length and Humeral Measurements: Toward the Solution of the Brachycephalization Problem |
Hirofumi Matsumura: |
P.31 |
Comparative Study of the Crown Cusp Areas in the Maxillary Second Molars of the Jomon People |
Yousuke Kaifu: |
P.39 |
Temporal changes in Corpus Thickness of the Japanise Mandibles |