Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series D (Anthropology) |
date of publication |
Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series D (Anthropology) Volume 31 |
December 2005 |
Baba, Hisao and Kazuyoshi Suzukii: |
P.1 |
Promotion of European Medicine and Japanese Craftmanship Seen in Okuda Wooden Human Skeleton Made During Edo Era, Japan |
Kono, Reiko T. and Gen Suwa: |
P.11 |
Effects of Molar Crown Orientation to Measures of Lateral Enamel Thickness in the Mesial Cusp Section |
Mizoguchi, Yuji: |
P.23 |
Significant Associations between Cranial Length and Pelvic Measurements: Toward the Solution of the Brachycephalization Problem |