Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series C (Geology & Paleontology) |
date of publication |
Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series C (Geology & Paleontology) Volume 6 Number 3 |
September 1980 |
Tatsuaki Kimura, Tamiko Ohana: |
P.73 |
Some Fossil Ferns from the Middle Carnie Momonoki
Formation, Yamaguchi Prefecture,J apan. |
D. R. Bohra, B. D. Sharma: |
P.93 |
Arauamyelon pakurense gen. et sp. nov. from the
Jurassic of Rajmahal Hills, India |
Nobuo Yamagiwa, Hiroji Tsuda: |
P.97 |
A New Coral Species from a Pebble in the Basal Limestone
Conglomerate of the Triassic Adoyama Formation
at Karasawa in the Kuzu Area, Tochigi
Prefecture, Japan |
Yoshio Fukuda, Teruya Uyeno, Hiroyuki Miyagi, Ikuwo Obata: |
P.101 |
SEM Observation on a Fragment of Triassic Fish
Scale from Okinawa, Japan |