Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series C (Geology & Paleontology) |
date of publication |
Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series C (Geology & Paleontology) Volume 19 Number 3 |
September 1993 |
Haruo lIJIMA, Kazuaki SEKINE, Yasuji SAITO: |
P.81 |
Jurassic Radiolarians from the Clastic Rock Unit of the Northern Part of the Chichibu Belt in the Kanto Mountains, Central Japan |
Sachiko NAGASAWA: |
P.91 |
Cetacean Diatoms from Sediments at Otsuchi, Iwate-ken, Japan |
Tamiko OHANA, Tatsuaki KIMURA: |
P.99 |
Acrostichopteris hatae OHANA et KIMURA, sp. nov. from the Lower Cretaceous Tatsukawa Formation in the Outer Zone of Japan
Kazuo SAKAMOTO, Teruya UYENO: |
P.105 |
A New Middle Miocene Righteye Flatfish, Microstomus tochigiensis, from Tochigi, Japan |