Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series C (Geology & Paleontology) |
date of publication |
Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series C (Geology & Paleontology) Volume 21 Number 1, 2 |
June 1995 |
Kazuaki SEKINE, Haruo IIJIMA, Yasuji SAITO: |
P.1 |
Jurassic Radiolarians from the Manba Unit of the Northern Chichibu Belt, Kanto Mountains, Central Japan |
Tokiko TIBA: |
P.11 |
Source of the Rhyolitic Ash Layer in Basaltic Ash Layers on Izu-Oshima
Kazuo HUZIOKA, Kazuhiko UEMURA: |
P.19 |
Occurrence and Taxonomic Notes on Some Miocene Plants from Southern Sakhalin, Russia
Yoshikazu HASEGAWA, Makoto MANABE, Shinji ISAJI, Masatoshi OHKURA, Ikoi SHIBATA, Ichio YAMAGUCHI: |
P.35 |
Terminally Resorbed Iguanodontid Teeth from the Neocomian Tetori Group, Ishikawa and Gifu Prefecture, Japan