Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series C (Geology & Paleontology) |
date of publication |
Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series C (Geology & Paleontology) Volume 25 Number 3, 4 |
December 1999 |
Satoshi Matsubara, Ritsuro Miyawaki: |
P.99 |
Baghdadite from the Akagane Mine, Iwate Prefecture, Japan |
Takumi Tsujino, Haruyoshi Maeda: |
P.113 |
Stratigraphy and Taphonomic Features of Diatomaceous Shale of the Pleistocene Shiobara Group, in Tochigi, Japan |
Nobuo Yamagiwa, Teruko Asami, Akinori Hosono: |
P.129 |
A Redescription of Permian Rugosa Waagenophyllum (Waagenophyllum) compactum Minato and Kato, 1965 |
Shuji Niko, Tomio Adachi: |
P.151 |
Silurian Pachyporicaes (Coelenterata: Tabulata) from the Gionyama Formation, Miyazaki Prefecture |
Satoshi Chiba: |
P.163 |
A New Species of Land Snail of the Genus Mandarina (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) from Hahajima of the Bonin Islands, Western Pacific: a Species that became extinct after 2000 yr B.P. |
Yoichi Sato, Teruya Uyeno: |
P.163 |
Sardinella miyanoshitaensis, a New Clupeid Fish from the Middle Miocene Tottori Group, Tottori Prefecture, Japan |
Teruya Uyeno and Kazuo Sakamoto: |
P.163 |
Spirinchus akagii, a New Miocene Smelt from Tottori Prefecture, Japan (Pisces: Osmeriformes: Osmeridae) |