Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series C (Geology & Paleontology) |
date of publication |
Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series C (Geology & Paleontology) Volume, 28 |
December 2002 |
Archana Tripathi: |
P.1 |
Major Palynological Trends in Relation to the Development of Glossopteris Flora through Lower Gondwana of India. |
Shuji Niko, Tomio Adachi: |
P.9 |
Silurian Alveolitina (Coelenterata Tabulata) from the gionyama Formation, Miyazaki Prefecture |
Shuji Niko: |
P.25 |
Additional tabulate coral material from the Carboniferous Hina LImestone, Okayama Prefecture |
Shuji Niko: |
P.31 |
Mandulapora jimboi, a New Species of
Early Permian Coral (Tabulate:Auloporia) from the Nakadaira Formation, Miyagi Prefecture |
Kazuo Sakamoto, Teruya Uyeno: |
P.37 |
Revision of a Miocene Flatfish Pleuronectes sonei (Shikama, 1964) of the Family Pleuronectidae, from Yamagata Prefecture, Japan |
Ryoko Matsumoto, Susan E. Evans, Shizuo Shimojima: |
P.43 |
The Dentary of a Choristodere (Reptilia: Archosauromorpha) from the Okurodani Formation, Tetori Group (Lower Cretaceous) of Japan |