Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series C (Geology & Paleontology) |
date of publication |
Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series C (Geology & Paleontology) Volume 32 |
December 2006 |
Uemura, K., Y. Kikuchi, H. Nagato & A. Nikaido: |
P.1 |
Middle Miocene plants from marine sediments in Tatsugoroshi of Hitachiota, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan |
Niko, S.: |
P.13 |
Reexamination of Devonian favositid corals described from the Fukuji Formation of Gifu Prefecture |
Niko, S. & Y. Senzai: |
P.31 |
Devonian auloporid tabulate corals from the Kamianama Formation, Fukui Prefecture |