Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series C (Geology & Paleontology) |
date of publication |
Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series C (Geology & Paleontology) Volume 41 |
December 2015 |
Utagawa, F., Agematsu, S., Tsunogae, T. and Sashida, K.: |
P.1 |
Lithostratigraphy and sedimentology of the Shirahama Group around Shimoda District, Izu Peninsula, central Japan. |
Niko, S.: |
P.17 |
Halysitid Tabulate Corals from the Silurian Fukami Formation, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan |
Niko, S.: |
P.25 |
Yakunopora mabutii, a New Species of Tabulate Coral from the Permian Iwaizaki Limestone, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan |
Yokoyama, K., Tsutsumi, Y., and Bong, W. S. K.: |
P.29 |
Age distributions of monazites in the Late Cretaceous to Late Eocene turbidite from northwestern Borneo and its tectonic setting |
Momma, K., Sano, T., Nagase, T., Miyawaki, R. and Matsubara, S.: |
P.45 |
An okenite-like mineral from Anijima Island, Ogasawara Islands, Tokyo, Japan |
J. D. S. Guballa and A. G. S. Fernando: |
P.53 |
Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphic study of the Pugo River section of Amlang Formation in the Luzon Central Valley Basin, Philippines |
Editorial Board, Editorial Advisory Board for Series C |