Miscellaneous Reports of the Institute for Nature Study |
date of publication |
Miscellaneous Reports of the Institute for Nature Study No.45 |
June 2014 |
Yoshino, I.: |
P.1 |
Ecology of Ruderal Plants - Distribution of Ruderal Plants in the Robo Botonical Garden. |
Sugawara, H., Azuma, K., Shimizu, S., Narita, K., Mikami, T. and Hagiwara, S.: |
P.15 |
Cool island phenomena in winter |
Mochida, H. and Hagiwara, S.: |
P.19 |
Morphology and Initial Growth of tree Seedlings(NO 2) |
Kamei, H. and Kajinami, J.: |
P.27 |
Effects of mass death of tall individuals of Cornus cotroversa var. controversa and other trees on the forest canopy structure in the Institute for Nature Study, Tokyo |
Kawachi, H. and Kawachi, K.: |
P.41 |
On Spring Number of Japanese Tit in the Institute for Nature Study(fiscal year 2013) |
Hagiwara, S.: |
P.47 |
Rediscovery of the first time in 50 years of Veronicastrum axillare(Sieb.et Zucc.) in the garden of Institute for Nature Study - Where did that plant come from? - |
Kamei, H., Hukusima, T., Yano, M. and Endo, T.: |
P.55 |
Injuries of massive snow fall in February 2014 to the trees in the Institute for Nature Study, Tokyo |