Memoirs of the National Science Museum |
date of publication |
Memoirs of the National Science Museum Volume 51 |
2016 |
Yokoyama, K., M. Shigeoka, Y. Otomo, K. Tokuno and Y. Tsutsumi: |
P.1 |
Uraninite and thorite ages of around 400 granitoids in the Japanese Islands |
Yokoyama, K.: |
P.25 |
Provenance study of pre-Neogene sandstones in the Japanese Islands |
Tani, K., Y. Tsutsumi, M. Shigeoka and K. Yokoyama: |
P.45 |
Zircon U-Pb dating of the Akashima Formation, Oga Peninsula, Akita Prefecture, Japan |
Yokoyama, K., K. Tani and Y. Tsutsumi: |
P.53 |
Petrological study of Cretaceous granitoids and Triassic sandstones in Sado Island |
Yokoyama, K., Y. Tsutsumi, S. Kiyokawa, S.A. Kasatkin and V.V. Golozoubov: |
P59 |
Provenance study of Eocene-Miocene sandstones in the northern Kyushu and western Chugoku provinces, western Japan |
Tsutsumi, Y., K. Yokoyama, S.A. Kasatkin and V.V. Golozoubov: |
P.71 |
Provenance study of accretionary complexes in Primorye, Far East Russia using ages and compositions of detrital minerals |
Momma, K., Y. Tsutsumi, T. Sano, R. Miyawaki, M. Shigeoka and K. Yokoyama: |
P.89 |
Chevkinite-bearing tuffs from the Boso and Noto peninsulas in Central Japan and from Primorye, Far East Russia |
Miyawaki, R., K. Momma, T. Sano, M. Shigeoka, Y. Tsutumi, S.A. Kasatkin, I. Chekryzhov an K. Yokoyama: |
P.99 |
Kimuraite-(Y), a layered hydrous carbonate of calcium and rare earths, from Mikhailovsky District, Far East Russia |
Pavlyutkin, B.I., A. Yabe, V.V. Golozoubov and L.F. Simanenko: |
P.109 |
Miocene floral changes in the circum-Japan Sea areas-their implications in the climatic changes and the time of Japan Sea opening |