Memoirs of the National Science Museum |
date of publication |
Memoirs of the National Science Museum Volume 52 |
2018 |
Ebihara, A., T. Iwashina, A. Tuji and T. Fujitaļ¼ |
P.1 |
Biological Properties of Biodiversity Hotspots in JapanāComprehensive Studies of Fauna and Flora of the Biodiversity Hotspots: An Outline of the Project |
Tuji, A.: |
P.5 |
A New Freshwater Diatom, Terpsinoe muninensis sp. nov., from the Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands, Japan |
Hosaka K.: |
P.17 |
Distribution Data of Some Mushroom Species Distributed in and around the Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands, Japan. |
Higuchi, M. and T. Furuki: |
P.39 |
A Checklist of Bryophytes in Mts. Yatsugatake, Central Honshu, Japan |
Imahara, Y. and H. Namikawa: |
P.65 |
Preliminary Report on the Octocorals (Cnidaria: Anthozoa:Octocorallia) from the Ogasawara Islands |
Kuramochi, T.: |
P.95 |
Digenean Trematode Fauna Parasitic in Fishes from the Ogasawara Islands |
Hasegawa, K.: |
P.105 |
Sublittoral and Upper Bathyal Vetigastropods (Mollusca: Gastropoda)
Dredged from the Ogasawara Islands |
Takeda, M. and H. Komatsu: |
P.153 |
Offshore Crabs of the Family Xanthidae and Some Related
Families (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura) from the Ogasawara Islands, Japan |
Arai, M., Y. Tanaka, T. Miyazaki and T. Fujita: |
P.191 |
Valvatida (Echinodermata: Asteroidea) of the Ogasawara Islands, Japan |
Nakae, M., H. Motomura, K. Hagiwara, H. Senou, K. Koeda, T. Yoshida, S. Tashiro, B.Jeong, H. Hata, Y. Fukui, K. Fujiwara, T. Yamakawa, M. Aizawa, G. Shinohara and K.Matsuura: |
P.205 |
An Annotated Checklist of Fishes of Amami-oshima Island, the Ryukyu Islands, Japan |