Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series E (Physical Sciences & Engineering) |
date of publication |
Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series E (Physical Sciences & Engineering) Volume 38 |
December 2015 |
Yoshio Tomita, Yoichi Tomii, Kazuyoshi Suzuki and Kouichi Suzaki: |
P.1 |
On the High Corrosion Resistivity of Metallic Mirror made by Kunitmo Tobei |
Katsuhiro Sasaki and Katsuyuki Kondo: |
P.9 |
The Single Foriot Lantern Clock with Astronomical Display made by Musashi Hirayama |
Takeshi Inoue and Katsuhiro Sasaki: |
P.23 |
Research for Exhibits of ‘Time’ Exhibition Held at Tokyo Education Museum in 1920 |
Osamu Kamei, Reiji Takayasu and Masahiro Maejima: |
P.35 |
A Chronological Study of the Backdrop of Technological Development Utilizing Archive Footage |
Takashi Nakajima and Toshihiro Horaguchi: |
P.51 |
Newly Donated Binoculars Made by Tokyo Gas and Electric Corporation【NOTE】 |
Toshio Kubota: |
P.57 |
The Picture Postcards Titled “The Tokyo Peace Exhibition, Tri-color Printing【NOTE】 |