Annals of the Tsukuba Botanical Garden |
date of publication |
Annals of the Tsukuba Botanical Garden Volume 8 |
December 1989 |
HASHIMOTO, Tamotsu: |
P.1 |
Taxonomic Miscellanies of Orchidaceous Plants (4) |
Hiroaki HATTA and Kozo YOSHIDA: |
P.11 |
A New Variety of Enkianthus subsessilis (Miq.) Makino |
lWASHINA, Tsukasa, Tsutomu ITO and Shunji OOTANI: |
P.15 |
Characterization and Identification of 5-glucosides of Flavones Obtained from Japanese Cirsium Species |
P.21 |
New or Noteworthy Species of Xanthoparmelia (Parmeliaceae) |
MATSUMOTO, Sadamu and Yoshiharu YANO: |
P.27 |
The Invasion of the Sexual and Apogamous Types of Phegopteris connectilis in an Avalanched Region on Mt. Fuji |
YANO, Yoshiharu: |
P.37 |
Studies on Water Characteristics of Volcanic Ash Soil on the Tsukuba Upland in Kanto Plain II. The Relation between Soil Moisture Retention and Sap Flow Velocity in the Japanese Red Pine and the Chinaberry Tree |
HIRAYAMA, Ryoji: |
P.45 |
A Study on the Organic Substance Contained in Throughfall of Forest Formed on Podozolic and Other Soils |