Annals of the Tsukuba Botanical Garden |
date of publication |
Annals of the Tsukuba Botanical Garden Volume 14 |
December 1995 |
HATTA, Hiroaki: |
P.1 |
Tree Architecture - Its Constructive Process |
Tsukasa IWASHINA and Shunji OOTANI: |
P.35 |
Polyphenols in Iris setosa var. canadensis and Their Chemotaxonomic Comparisons with Three Japanese Varietie |
Tomohisa YUKAWA: |
P.43 |
Dendrobium × usitae (Orchidaceae) - A New Natural Hybrid from the Philippine |
HIRAYAMA, Ryoji and Kan'ich SAKAGAMI: |
P.47 |
A Micromorphological Study of Some Volcanic Soils (I) - Mesomorphological Study with Large Thin Section - |