Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series A (Zoology) |
date of publication |
Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series A (Zoology) Volume 4
Number 1 |
March 1978 |
Masaaki MACHIDA, Jun ARAKI, Tsutomu KOYAMA, Mitsuyoshi KUMADA, Yoichiro HORII, lsao IMADA, Masao TAKASAKA, Shigeo HONJO, Kiyoaki MATSUBAYASHI and Tosiro TIBA: |
P.1 |
The Life Cycle of Streptopharagus pigmentatus (Nematoda, Spiruroidea) from the Japanese Monkey |
Kimito UCHIKAWA: |
P.11 |
Studies on Mesostigmatid Mites Parasitic on Mammals and Birds in Japan. Ⅴ. Mites of the Genus Eulaelaps BERLESE, 1903 (Haemogamasidae) |
Yoshinobu MORIMOTO: |
P.27 |
A New Species of Parabathynellidae (Syncarida) from Tasmania |
Masatsune TAKEDA: |
P.31 |
Soldier Crabs from Australia and Japan |
Gentaro IMADATÉ: |
P.39 |
A New Genus of Acerentomidae (Protura) from North Japan |
Ryôsuke ISHIKAWA: |
P.45 |
A Revision of the Higher Taxa of the Subtribe Carabina (Coleoptera, Carabidae) |
Shun-Ichi UÉNO: |
P.69 |
A New Kurasawatrechus (Coleoptera, Trechinae) Found in a Tuff Mine at the Northern Side of Central Japan |
Yoshihiko KUROSAWA: |
P.75 |
Notes on the Oriental Species of the Coleopterous Family Buprestidae (Ⅲ) |