Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series A (Zoology) |
date of publication |
Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series A (Zoology) Volume 18
Number 2 |
June 1992 |
Masaaki MACHIDA and Jun ARAKI: |
P.51 |
Three Aspidogastrean Trematodes from Marine Fishes of Japan |
Minoru IMAJIMA: |
P.57 |
Spionidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) from Japan. IX. The Genus Aonidella |
Junji OKUNO and Masatsune TAKEDA: |
P.63 |
Description of a New Hinge-beak Shrimp, Rhynchocinetes conspiciocellus, from Southern Japan, with Designation of the Lectotype of R. uritai KUBO, 1942 |
Ryoichi ARAI, Yutaka AKAI and Nobuhiro SUZUKI: |
P.73 |
The Karyotype of a Chinese Bitterling, Acheilognathus tonkinensis (Pisces, Cyprinidae) |
Nobuyuki MIYAZAKI, Yoshitsugu HlROSAKI, Toshikazu KINUTA and Hideo OMURA: |
P.79 |
Osteological Study of a Hybrid between Tursiops truncatus and Grampus griseus |