Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series A (Zoology) |
date of publication |
Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series A (Zoology) Volume 19
Number 4 |
December 1993 |
Takashi OKUTANI, Katsunori FUJIKURA and Takenori SASAKI: |
P.123 |
New Taxa and New Distribution Records of Deepsea Gastropods Collected from or near the Chemosynthetic Communities in the Japanese Waters |
Masatsune TAKEDA: |
P.145 |
A New Swimming Crab of the Genus Carupa from Submarine Caves in the Ryukyu Islands |
Mamoru OWADA and Hideki KOBAYASHI: |
P.151 |
Notes on the Cuculliine Moths of the Genus Eupsilia (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) from Taiwan |
Seiichi IRIMURA: |
P.161 |
Ophiostriatus sexradiatus, a New Species of Ophiuroidea from the North Mariana Islands |