Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series A (Zoology) |
date of publication |
Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series A (Zoology) Volume 28
Number 1 |
March 2002 |
Takashi Okutani and Reiko Kawamura: |
P.1 |
Abyssal Bivalves Collected from beyond 3,000m in the Northwest Pacific and Shikoku Basins by the R/V Soyo-Maru, 1977-1981 |
Takeshi Shimazu and Misako Urabe: |
P.21 |
Morphology and Life Cycle of Metagonimus otsurui (Digenea, Heterophyidae) from Nara, Japan |
Shunya Kamegai, Masaaki Machida and Toshiaki Kuramochi: |
P.29 |
Two Blood Flukes from Deep-sea Fishes of Suruga Bay, Japan |
Masaaki Murano: |
P.35 |
Two New Species of the Genus Paramblyops (Crustacea: Mysidacea: Mysidae) from the Sulu Sea |
Gyo Itani, Peter J. F. Davie and Masatsune Takeda: |
P.43 |
Taxonomic Notes on Acmaeopleura balssi Shen, 1932 and A. toriumii Takeda, 1974 (Crustacea, Brachyura, Grapsidae) from Japanese Waters |
Hirotsugu Ono: |
P.51 |
New and Remarkable Spiders of the Families Liphistiidae, Argyronetidae, Pisauridae, Theridiidae and Araneidae (Arachnida) from Japan |