Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series A (Zoology) |
date of publication |
Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series A (Zoology) Volume 43 Number1 |
March 2017 |
Shimazu, T.: |
P.1 |
Digeneans Parasitic in Freshwater Fishes (Osteichthyes) of Japan X. Opecoelidae, Plagioporinae |
Kuramochi, T., Arai-Leon, K., Umetani, A., Yamada, T. K. and Tajima, Y.: |
P.29 |
Endoparasites Collected from the Gray Whale Eschrichtius robustus Entangled in a Set Net off Minamiboso-shi, Chiba, on the Pacific Coast of Japan |
Okutani, T. and Saito, H.: |
P.37 |
Shelf and Bathyal Bivalve and Scaphopod Mollusks from the Sea of Japan by KT-11-9 cruise of the R/V Tansei-Maru |
Hara, H. and Shinohara, A.: |
P.53 |
Taxonomic Notes and New Distribution and Host Plant Records for Sawflies and Woodwasps (Hymenoptera, Symphyta) of Japan II |
Matsuura, K.: |
P.71 |
Taxonomic and Nomenclatural Comments on Two Puffers of the Genus Takifugu with Description of a New Species, Takifugu flavipterus, from Japan (Actinopterygii, Tetraodontiformes, Tetraodontidae) |