Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series A (Zoology) |
date of publication |
Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series A (Zoology) Volume 44 Number1 |
February 2018 |
Kiyoshi, T., Katatani, N. and Hong Thai Pham: |
P.1 |
Sundaeschna gen nov. with Descriptions of Two New Species from Vietnam and Myanmar. (Odonata, Anisoptera, Aeshnidae) |
Hara, H., Ibuki, S., Naito, T. and Shinohara, A.: |
P.11 |
Taxonomic Notes and New Distribution and Host Plant Records for Sawflies and Woodwasps (Hymenoptera, Symphyta) of Japan III |
Tanaka, F. and Shinohara, G.: |
P.29 |
Taxonomy and Distribution of Star Snapper Lutjanus stellatus Akazaki, 1983 (Perciformes: Lutjanidae) |