Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series D (Anthropology) |
date of publication |
Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series D (Anthropology) Volume 33 |
December 2007 |
Sakaue, Kazuhiro: |
P.1 |
Population Differences in the Appearance of the Intermetatarsal Articular Facet of the First Metatarsal Bone |
Shinoda, Ken-ichi: |
P.9 |
Molecular Genetic Analysis of 16th-18th Century Remains from Ishikobara Site, Nagano Prefecture, Japan |
Nagaoka, Tomohito: |
P.21 |
Demographic Structure of the Human Skeletal Remains from the Ikenohata-Shichikencho Site, Tokyo |
Mizoguchi, Yuji: |
P.39 |
Loose Association between Neurocranial Shape and Facial Structure: Toward the Solution of the Brachycephalization Problem |