Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series C (Geology & Paleontology) |
date of publication |
Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series C (Geology & Paleontology) Volume 38 |
December 2012 |
Harada, A., Yamada, T., Matsubara, S., Miyawaki R., Shigeoka, M., Miyajima, H. and Sakurai, H.: |
P.1 |
Dukeite from the Kinkei mine, Chino City, Nagano Prefecture, Japan |
Miyawaki, R., Matsubara, S., Yokoyama, K., Momma, K., Sano, T., Tsutsumi, Y., Shigeoka, M. and Nishikubo, K.: |
P.7 |
Chevkinite-(Ce) in tuff at Heguri, Boso Peninsula, Chiba Prefecture, Japan |
Tsutsumi, Y., Horie, K., Sano, T., Miyawaki, R., Momma, K., Matsubara, S., Shigeoka, M. and Yokoyama, K.: |
15 |
LA-ICP-MS and SHRIMP ages of zircons in chevkinite and monazite tuffs from the Boso Peninsula, Central Japan |
Niko, S. and Adachi, T.: |
P.33 |
Silurian Favositids (Coelenterata: Tabulata) from the Gionyama Formation, Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan |
Niko, S.: |
47 |
Additional Material of Favositid and Auloporid Tabulate Corals from the Devonian Fukuji Formation, Gifu Prefecture, Japan |
Sato, T., Kase, T., Shigeta, Y., Ocampo, R., Ong, P. A., Aguilar, Y. M. and Mago, W.: |
63 |
Newly collected Jurassic Ammonites from the Mansalay Formation, Mindro Island, Philippines |
Editorial Board, Editorial Advisory Board for Series C |