Miscellaneous Reports of the Institute for Nature Study |
date of publication |
Miscellaneous Reports of the Institute for Nature Study No.36 |
2005 |
Hamao,S.: |
P.1 |
The first record of the Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola and the weather condition on the arrival day |
Yano,M., Osawa,y., Okutsu,R. and Kuwahara,K.: |
P.9 |
Activities of removing alien fishes, Lepomis macrochirus and Micropterus salmoides, in the Institute for Nature Study |
Hisai, N.: |
P.21 |
Notes on newly or rarely observed animal species in the Institute for Nature Study(15) |
Yamamoto, Y.,Hagiwara H.,Degawa, Y., Kawakami,S., Inaba,S.,Kamono,A., Tanahashi,M.and Ebine,K.: |
P.31 |
Myxomycetes collected at the Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa, Tokyo |