Memoirs of the National Science Museum |
date of publication |
Memoirs of the National Science Museum Volume 47 |
2011 |
Namikawa, H., K. Yamaguchi, Y. Horii and Y. Tanaka: |
P.1 |
Outline of dredge surveys conducted from 2007 to 2010 by R/V Takunan and Koyo to elucidate the benthic marine invertebrate fauna of the area encompassing the Izu and Ogasawara Islands |
Kitayama, T.: |
P.11 |
Brown Algae from the Hachijōjima Island, Izu Islands, Japan |
Namikawa, H.: |
P.21 |
Preliminary Report on Marine Thecate Hydrozoans Collected in 2007–2009 around Hachijōjima Island during Dredge Surveys by R/V Takunan |
Imahara, Y.: |
P.25 |
Preliminary report on the Alcyonacean and Pennatulacean octocorals from the Izu and Ogasawara Islands |
Tachikawa, H.: |
P.39 |
Review of the Japanese species of Alatotrochus and Sphenotrochus (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Scleractinia: Turbinoliidae), with description of a new species, A. japonicus |
Kuramochi, T.: |
P.51 |
Digenean trematodes of fishes caught in Sagami Bay, off Izu Islands and off Ogasawara Islands |
Saito, H.: |
P.65 |
Chitons (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) from Submarine Banks off Izu Islands and Bōsō Peninsula, Japan |
Okutani, T. and H. Saito: |
P.83 |
A glimpse of shelf bivalve fauna of the Ogasawara Islands based on dredged samples by the R/Vs Koyo and Tansei Maru in the years 2008 through 2010 |
Hasegawa, K. and T. Okutani: |
P.97 |
A review of bathyal shell-bearing gastropods in Sagami Bay |
Imajima, M.: |
P.145 |
Polychaetous annelids collected from Sagami BAy toward the Ogasawara Islands, Japan |
Komatsu, H.: |
P.219 |
Crabs dredged off the Ogasawara Islands (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura) |
Komai, T.: |
P.279 |
Deep-sea shrinps and lobsters (Crustacea: Decapoda: Dendrobranchiata and Pleocyemata) from the Sagami SEa and Izu Islands, central Japan |
Komai, T.: |
P.339 |
Squat lobsters of the genus Munida (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura: Munididae) from the Ogasawara Islands, with descriptions of four new species |
Okanishi, M., K. yamaguchi, Y. Horii and T. Fujita: |
P.367 |
Ophiuroids of the Order Euryalida (Echinodermata) from Hachijōjima Island and Ogasawara Islands, Japan |
Degawa, Y., M. Nishimura, Y. Hirayama and T. Hosoya: |
P.387 |
Endophytic mycobiota in Aucuba japonica in the Sagami-nada and its adjacent area, central Japan based on molecular identification |
Hosoya, T., K. Hosaka, and Y. Ohmura: |
P.405 |
Preliminary mycobiota assessment on Kita-Iwojima Island, Ogasawara Islands |
Kadota, Y.: |
P.411 |
On the Entity of Saussurea triptera Maxim. var. mikurashimensis Kitam. (Asteraceae) from Mikurajima Island, Idzu Islands, Japan (Systematic Studies of Asian Saussurea (Asteraceae) IV) |
Akiyama, S.: |
P.417 |
Geographical variation of Astilbe (Saxifragaceae) species distributed in Fossa Magna and the adjacent regions in Japan |
Ono, H.: |
P.435 |
Spiders (Arachnida, Araneae) of the Ogasawara Islands, Japan |
Sano, T., T. Fukuoka and M. Ishimoto: |
P.471 |
Petrological Constrains on Magma Evolution of the Fuji Volcano: A Case Study for the 1707 Hoei Eruption |