Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series E (Physical Sciences & Engineering) |
date of publication |
Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series E (Physical Sciences & Engineering) Volume 18 |
December 1995 |
Shigekazu Yoneda, Masako Shima, HIroshi HIdaka, Mitsuru Ebihara: |
P.1 |
An Attempt of Isotopic Abundance Determination of Natural Radioactive Nuclides, 53Mn and 230Th, by
Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry |
Masahiro Maejima: |
P.9 |
On the Domestic History of Home Air Conditioner |
Toshio Kubota: |
P.21 |
A Railway Engineer, Yutaka Murakami -His Career and Role on Modern Civil Engineering- |