Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series E (Physical Sciences & Engineering) |
date of publication |
Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series E (Physical Sciences & Engineering) Volume 28 |
December 2005 |
Osako, M.: |
P.1 |
Photographs of the 1894 Shonai Earthquake and the 1896 Riku-u Earthquake in northeastern Japan |
Maejima, M.: |
P.13 |
Basic Study on the Faradization Apparatuses in Meiji Era |
Wakabayashi, F.: |
P.21 |
The Diffraction Condition of a DVD Spectroscope |
Sasaki, K., T. Hashimoto, H. Tsuchiya, K. Kondo and K. Okada: |
P.31 |
The Mechanism of Automatic Display for the Temporal Hour in the Japanese Clocks |
Keiichi SAIJO and Kazuyoshi SUZUKI: |
P.49 |
Characteristics of a Japanese Armillary Sphere Newly Acquired by National Science Museum, Japan |