Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series E (Physical Sciences & Engineering) |
date of publication |
Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series E (Physical Sciences & Engineering) Volume 32 |
December 2009 |
Katsuhiro Sasaki and Kazuo Okada: |
P.1 |
The Japanese Clocks made by Masatomi Kanematsu and his Workshop and Their Characteristics |
Katsuhiro Sasaki and Katsuyuki Kondo: |
P.21 |
A Wall Clock made by Arimasa in 1834 with the Pie Chart Style Dial and the Autmatically Expanding-Contracting Hand |
Keiichi Saijo and Kazuyoshi Suzuki: |
P.29 |
“Sankyoku-tsuugi”, Japanese Armillary Sphere made by Hanzo Hosokawa owned in Samukawa shraine. |
Keiichi Saijo, Toshihiro Horaguchi and Takashi Nakajima: |
P.35 |
Binoculars Document of Wakai Optical Industry |
Kazuyoshi Suzuki and Yoshikazu Tanabe: |
P.41 |
The Concepts of “Angle” and “Direction” in Schools of Surveying Method in Early Edo Period |
Shuichi Iwata, Akira Sugawara, Ying Chen, Kiyonori Aratani, Pierre Villars, Kazuyoshi Suzuki and Itaru Ishii: |
P.51 |
Conceptual Design on Artifact Networks based on Science Museum Collections —An Approach towards evolving Artifactual Science— |
Akira Sugawara, Natsumi Majima, Etsuko Yokouchi, Akihiro Kameda, Yuta Watanabe, Yuriko Hoteida, Nozomu Nishihara, Kiyonori Aratani, Ying Chen and Shuichi Iwata: |
P.63 |
A Preliminary Study for Constructing Artifact Networks based on Science Museum Collections |