Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series E (Physical Sciences & Engineering) |
date of publication |
Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series E (Physical Sciences & Engineering) Volume 44 |
December 2021 |
Fuuka Hishiki: |
P.1 |
Reexamination of Notebooks Contained in Hantaro Nagaoka Papers in
Professor Period and RIKEN Period |
Takahiko Kutsuna and Tomoya Yoshida: |
P.17 |
Non-destructive Analysis of Artifacts Utilized for Non-ferrous Metalworking from Iwabitsu Castle Ruins in Gunma Prefecture |
Masahiro Maejima: |
P.29 |
Retyping and Introducing of Letters Written by W. E. Ayrton 【NOTE】 |