Annals of the Tsukuba Botanical Garden |
date of publication |
Annals of the Tsukuba Botanical Garden Volume 5 |
December 1986 |
P.1 |
Further Notes on Parmelia (Parmeliaceae) of Papua New Guinea |
HASHIMOTO Tamotsu: |
P.17 |
Taxonomic Miscellanies of Orchidaceous Plants (2) |
KATO, Tatsumi: |
P.31 |
Does Hypericum penthorodes Koidz. Really Exist as a Species |
HATTA, Hiroaki |
P.41 |
Quantitative Variation of Cornus kousa within Trees in Hakone |
OOTANI, Shunji, Tsutomu ITO and Tsukasa IWASHIN: |
P.47 |
Identification of Anthocyanin and Other Pigments, and Their Distribution in the Perianth Tissues of a Cultivar, Crocosmia × crocosmiiflora (Iridaceae) |
HATTA, Hiroaki and Yoshiharu YANO: |
P.55 |
On the Habitat of Cornus kousa in Limestone Area |