Annals of the Tsukuba Botanical Garden |
date of publication |
Annals of the Tsukuba Botanical Garden Volume 6 |
December 1987 |
Tamotsu HASHIMOTO: |
P.1 |
Trigonocarpae Violets of Taiwan |
Tatsumi KATO: |
P.9 |
Hybridization between Dianthus superbus var. longicalycinus
and D. shinanensis Evidenced by Resolvable Esterase
Isozymes from Herbarium Specimen |
Tsukasa IWASHINA and Shunji OOTANI: |
P.19 |
Characterization of C-Glycosylflavones and Anthocyanins
in Several Species of Caryophyllaceae |
HATTA, Hiroaki and Ryoji HIRAYAMA: |
P.31 |
Seasonal and Yearly Changes of Main Components in the Shoot of Cornus kousa |
HIRAYAMA, Ryoji, Tatsuo KONISHI and Tamotsu HASHIMOTO: |
P.41 |
A Study on the Relationship between Infraspecific Variation and Soil Environmental Factors in Viola verecunda A. Gray |
HIRAYAMA, Ryoji, Kazuto ARIMITSU and Yasuo OHSUMI: |
P.53 |
The Influence of Clearcutting through Forest Soil |