Annals of the Tsukuba Botanical Garden |
date of publication |
Annals of the Tsukuba Botanical Garden Volume 11 |
December 1992 |
Tamotsu HASHIMOTO: |
P.1 |
Novelties of the Genus Malaxis to Japan |
YANO, Yoshiharu: |
P.9 |
Pollen Grain Morphology in Clematis (Ranunculaceae) |
Tsukasa IWASHINA and Hiroaki HATTA: |
P.23 |
The Flavonoid Glycosides in the Leaves of Cornus Species
II. The Flavonoids of C. canadensis and C. suesica |
HIRAYAMA, Ryoji: |
P.35 |
An Attempt of the Three-dimensional Analysis of Soil Voids in Using Consecutive Soil Thin Section |