Memoirs of the National Science Museum |
date of publication |
Memoirs of the National Science Museum Volume 50 |
2014 |
Kuramochi, T., A. Shinohara, H. Ono, S. Nomura, U. Jinbo, H. Saito, K.
Hasegawa, I. Nishiumi, S. kawada, M. Tomokuni, M. Owada and T. Kiyoshi: |
P.1 |
Flora and fauna of the Imperial Palace, Tokyo. II. Fauna |
Ishii, K., H. Sakayori, K. Furuno and M. Hasegawa: |
P.9 |
Population density and seasonal fluctuation of the soil macro-fauna in the Imperial Palace, Tokyo |
Shimano, S., A. Bobrov and Y. Mazei: |
P.21 |
Testate amoebae of the Imperial Palace, Tokyo |
Ishizuka, K., Y. Minagoshi and M.T. Ito: |
P.29 |
Earthworm fauna (Annelida, Oligochaeta) of Imperial Palace, Tokyo, the second report |
Gotoh, T.: |
P.35 |
Survey of plant-inhabiting mite species (Acari) on the Imperial Palace Estate, Tokyo: |
Hasegawa, M. and K. Furuno: |
P.41 |
Fauna and plulation density of Collembola in the Imperial Palace, Tokyo |
Ishii, K.: |
P.49 |
Population density of the Myriapoda in the Imperial Palace, Tokyo |
Nakamura, O.: |
P.59 |
Fujientomon primum, a rare proturan species,
collected in a survey of “Flora and Fauna of the Imperial palace, Tokyo II” |
Sakayori, H.: |
P.65 |
Seasonal fluctuations of soil pseudoscorpions at the imperial Palace, Tokyo, Japan |
Ono, H.: |
P.71 |
Spiders (Arachnida, Araneae) recorded from the Imperial Palace, Tokyo |
Suda, S. and T. Kiyoshi: |
P.105 |
Dragonflies and damselflies of the Imperial Palace, Tokyo(2009-2012)(Insecta: Odonata) |
Jinbo U., M. Owada, Y. Arita, Y. Kishida and H. Nakajima: |
P.129 |
Moths of gardens in the Imprial Palace, Tokyo (2009-2013) |
Yago, M., S. kubota, S. suda, U. Jinbo, Y. Kishida and M. Owada: |
P.239 |
Butterflies of gardens in the Imperial Palace |
Aoki, J.: |
P.273 |
Bothriderid & zopherid beetles inhabiting dead trees in the garden of Imperial Palace, Tokyo, Japan |
Nomura, S., T. Kawai, H. Kamezawa, J. Aoki and Y. Hirano: |
P.279 |
Beetle fauna and the changes of the pupulation observed in dead branches and
wood accumulated in the garden of Imperial Palace, Tokyo, Japan |
Nomura, S., T. Muraki and T. Sato: |
P.311 |
Population dynamics and differentiation in height of large beetle fauna in the garden of Imperial Palace, Tokyo, Japan |
Kojima, H., H. Kamezawa, W. Suzuki, T. Tsuru, H. Goto and S. Nomura: |
P.325 |
Beetles captured by the collision traps baited with chemical attractants in the garden of the Imperial Palace, Tokyo, Japan |
Tomokuni, M.: |
P.359 |
Heteroptera from the garden of the Imperial Palace, Tokyo, Japan |
Matsumoto, Y., Y. terauchi, C. Ishii and F. Nishino: |
P.371 |
Aphids (Insecta, Homoptera, Sternorrhyncha) of the Imperial Palace, Tokyo, Japan |
Kawai, S.: |
P.385 |
Second research for the coccid fauna (Insecta: Hemiptera) of the Imperial Palace, Tokyo, Japan |
Beppu, K.: |
P.407 |
Newly recorded drosophilid species and seasonal change of ecological structure of the drosophilid assemblage in the Imperial Palace, Tokyo. - Appendix: the third edition of the Drosophilid list recordedin the Imperial Palace, Tokyo |
Shinonaga, S.: |
P.435 |
Calypterate muscoid flies collected in the Imperial Palace (2009 to 2013) |
Shima, H. and S. Shinonaga, S.: |
P.447 |
Tachinid fauna (Insecta, Diptera, Tachinidae) in the Imperial Palace, Tokyo |
Shinonaga, S.: |
P.459 |
Biting midge (Simulidae) and mosquito (Culicidae) |
Shinohara, A.: |
P.461 |
Sawflies and woodwasps of the Imperial Palace, Tokyo |
Abe, Y.: |
P.477 |
Cynipoidea (Hymenoptera) caught using Malaise traps in the Imprial Palace, Tokyo |
Matsuo, K. and Y. Higashiura: |
P.479 |
Chalcidoidea (Hemenoptera) collected from the Imperial Palace, Tokyo |
Konishi, K., R. Matsumoto, T. Yoshida and K. Watanabe: |
P.485 |
Ichneumonidae and Trigonalidae (Hymenoptera) collected by faunal survey of the Imperial Palace, Tokyo |
Fujie, S. and K. Maeto: |
P.499 |
Braconidae (Hymenoptera) from the Imperial Palace, Tokyo, Japan |
Terayama, M. and T. Mita: |
P.503 |
Chrysidoid wasps from the Imperial Palace, Tokyo |
Nagase, H. and A. Shimizu: |
P.509 |
Aculeate Hymenoptera, excluding the Chrysidoidea and Formicidae of the Imperial Palace, Tokyo |
Terayama, M.: |
P.527 |
Ants (Formicidae) from the Imperial Palace, Tokyo |
Ueshima, R., R. Motochin, K. Hasegawa and H. Saito: |
P.537 |
Land snails of the Imperial Palace, Tokyo |
Nishiumi, I., S. Kuroda, S. Kobayashi, S. Mori, Y. Iwami, R. Kakizawa and H. Morioka: |
P.541 |
Avifauna of the Imperial Palace, Tokyo, June 2009-June 2013 |
Kuroda, S. and S. Anzai: |
P.559 |
Breeding status of common kingfishers Alacedo atthis in the Imperial Palace Grounds (2009-2013) |
Kawada, S., M. Teduka and T. Sako: |
P.565 |
Home ranges of the raccoon dog, Nyctereutes procyonoides, in the Imperial Palace estimated by radiotelemetry |
Iwasa, M.A., T. Takayama, Ogo, T. and S. Kawada: |
P.575 |
Genetic relationships of the raccoon dog: a special reference to the individuals from the Imperial Palace and the Akasaka Detached Palace, Tokyo Metropolis, Japan |