Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series E (Physical Sciences & Engineering) |
date of publication |
Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series E (Physical Sciences & Engineering) Volume 31 |
December 2008 |
Katsuhiro Sasaki and Katsuyuki Kondo: |
P.1 |
The Japanese Clocks made by Sukezaemon Tsuda and Their Characteristics |
Makoto Nakamura and Yoshikazu Tanabe: |
P.15 |
Remarks on the Application of Fracture Mechanics on Steels |
Yoshikazu Tanabe, Akira Sugawara and Shuichi Iwata: |
P.25 |
Estimation of Fracture Toughness Independent of the Degree of Plastic Deformation |
Keiichi Saijo and Takashi Nakajima: |
P.33 |
History of the Development of Japanese Binoculars Manufacturing Technology |