Annals of the Tsukuba Botanical Garden |
date of publication |
Annals of the Tsukuba Botanical Garden Volume 2 |
October 1983 |
HATTA, Hiroaki: |
P.1 |
An Anatomical Study on Shoot Formation of Cornus kousa Buerg. ex Hance |
Masashi NAKATA & Tamotsu HASHIMOTO: |
P.11 |
Karyomorphological Studies on Species of Pleurothallis, Orchidaceae |
Ryuso TANAKA & Fumio MAEKAWA: |
P.33 |
Observation of Chromosomes in Some Orchid Species from Peru and Mexico |
HIRAYAMA, Ryoji: |
P.47 |
A Method of Preparing Large Thin Section of Soils |
ENDO, Ryota, HIRAYAMA, Ryoji & TADA, Atsushi: |
P.55 |
Physical Properties of Soil in Tsukuba Botanical Garden |
HASHIMOTO, Tamotsu, NUMAJIRI, Jinichi & KOKETSU, Yoshimi:
P.63 |
On the temperature control of the Tropical Rain Forest Hous |
Kazuko KONNO: |
P.71 |
Watermoulds Collected from Tsukuba Botanical Garden |
OTANI, Yoshio: |
P.81 |
Some notes on the Mushrooms collected in Tsukuba Academic New Town and its Adjacency |
KADOTA, Yuichi: |
P.93 |
Notes on the Vascular Flora of Ibaraki Prefecture, Central Japan (1) |