Memoirs of the National Science Museum |
date of publication |
Memoirs of the National Science Museum Volume 39 |
March 2005 |
Owada, M & M. Takeda: |
P.1 |
Faunas of the Akasaka Imperial Gardens and the Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa,Tokyo |
Abe,M: |
P.7 |
Histries of the Akasaka Imperial Gardens and Tokiwamatsu Imperal Villa,Tokyo |
Hamao,S.,S.Norinomiya,S. Kanoya & T.Ando: |
P.13 |
Avifauna of the Akasaka Imperila Gardens,Tokyo,April 2002-March 2004 |
Motomura,K., T, Fujii., K.Sakamoto, E. Yahagi & Prince Masahito: |
P.21 |
Population in the Greens on the Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa , Tokyo |
Teduka,M. & H.Endo: |
P.35 |
Utilization of Fecal Pile Sites,and Food Habit of the Raccon Dog(Nyctereutes pricyonoides) in the Akasaka Imperial Gardens, Tokyo |
Endo,A .Hayashida, K.Uetsuka.: |
P.47 |
Pathological Examination of the a Raccoon Dog Intriduced tothe Akasaka Imperial Gardens,Tokyo, Japan |
Owada.M., Y.Arita, U.Jinbo,S.,Y .kishida.,H .Nkajima., M.Ikeda., S.Niitsu & S.Keino: |
P.55 |
Moths and Butterflies of the Akasaka Imperal Gardens,Tokyo,Cental Japan |
Owada, M., Y,. Arita, U. Jinbo,.S., Niitsu & S. Keino: |
P.121 |
Moths of the Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa, Tokyo |
Prince Masahito, N. Hisai & M. Yano: |
P.147 |
Butterfilies of the Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa,Tokyo |
Nomura, S., M. Maruyama & S. Arai: |
P.161 |
The soil Staphylinoid Faunas of the Akasaka Imperial Gardens ando the Tokiwanmastu Imperial Villa, Tokyo, Japan |
Nomura, S. & K.Morimoto: |
P.173 |
The Soil Weebil Faunas of the Akasaka Imperial Gardens and the Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa, Tokyo, Japan |
Nomura, S. & Y . Hirano: |
P.183 |
A Faunistic Study on the Order Coleoptera from the Akasaka Imperial Gardens and the Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa, Tokyo, Japan. |
Shinohara, A . |
P.225 |
Sawflies and Woodwasps of the Akasaka Imperial Gadens and the Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa, Tokyo |
Terayama M.: |
P.239 |
Ants from the Akasaka Imperial Gardens, Tokyo |
Terayama M.: |
P.245 |
Ants from the Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa, Tokyo |
Nambu, T.: |
P.249 |
Aculeate Hymenoptera of the Akasaka Imperial Gardens, Tokyo |
Nambu, T.: |
P.261 |
Aculeate Hymenoptera of the Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa, Tokyo |
Shinonaga, S.: |
P.265 |
Mosquitoes from the Akasaka Imperial Gardens and the Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa, Tokyo (Dipitera, Culicidae) |
Sutou, M.: |
P.269 |
The Bibionidae (Diptera) of the Akasaka Imperial Gardens and the Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa, Tokyo |
Sasakawa M.: |
P.273 |
Imperial Gardens and the Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa, Tokyo |
Tagawa Y. & S. Shinonaga: |
P.313 |
Brachycerous Diptera of the Akasaka Imperial Gardens and the Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa, Tokyo (Asilidae, Stratiomyiidae, Coenomyiidae and Bombiliidae) |
Nakayama, H & H. Shima: |
P.317 |
Scuttle Flies (Diptera, Phoridae) from the Akasaka Imperial Gardens, Tokyo, Japan |
Ohara, K.: |
P.325 |
The Syrphid Flies (Diptera) Collected in the Akasaka Imperial Gardens and the Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa, Tokyo, Japan |
Sueyoshi, M.: |
P.333 |
Tephritid Flies of the Akasaka Imperial Gardens and the Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa, Tokyo, Japan |
Kanmiya, K.: |
P.337 |
Chloropidae (Diptera) from the Akasaka Imperial Gardens, Tokyo |
Beppu, K.: |
P.347 |
Drosophilid Faunas in the Akasaka Imperial Gardens and the Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa, Tokyo |
Shinonaga, S.: |
P.359 |
Acalypterate Flies of the Akasaka Imperial Gardens and the Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa, Tokyo (Diptera) |
Hayashi, T.: |
P.363 |
Lesser Dung Flies (Diptera, Sphaeroceridae) from the Akasaka Imperial Gardens, Tokyo |
Nishida, K.: |
P.367 |
The Fanniidae (Diptera) of the Akasaka Imperial Gardens and the Tokiwamatsu Imperial VIlla, Tokyo |
Shinonaga, S.: |
P.375 |
Muscidae, Calliphoridae and Sarcophagidae of the Akasaka Imperial Gardens and the Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa, Tokyo (Diptera) |
Shima, H.: |
P.387 |
Tachinidae (Insecta, Diptera) of the Akasaka Imperial Gardens and the Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa, Tokyo |
Tomokuni, M.: |
P.397 |
Heteroptera (Insecta) from the Akasaka Imperial Gardens and the Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa, Tokyo, Japan |
Saito, Y. M. Owada & S. kato: |
P.409 |
Dragonflies (Odonata) of the Akasaka Imperial Gardens, Tokyo, Central Japan |
Saito, Y. M. Owada & S. kato: |
P.419 |
Dragonflies (Odonata) of the Akasaka Imperial Gardens, Tokyo, Central Japan |
Saito, Y. & M. Owada: |
P.431 |
Dragonflies (Odonata) of the Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa, Tokyo, Central Japan |
Ono H.: |
P.439 |
Spiders from the Akasaka Imperial Gardens, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan (Arachinida, Araneae) |
Ono H. & E. Shinkai: |
P.455 |
Spiders from the Gardens of the Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan (Arachnida, Araneae) |
Aoki, J. & Y. Noguchi: |
P.467 |
Oribatid Mites of the Akasaka Imperial Gardens, Tokyo |
Aoki, J.: |
P.479 |
Oribatid Mites of the Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa, Tokyo |
Ishikawa, K.: |
P.485 |
Gamasid Mites of the Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa, Tokyo |
Nunomura, N.: |
P.491 |
Terrestrial Isopod and Amphipod Crustaceans from the Akasaka Imperial Gardens, Tokyo, Japan |
Nunomura N.: |
P.495 |
Terrestrial Isopod Crustaceans from the Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa, Tokyo, Japan |
Ueshima, R., K. Yamazaki, H. Saito & K. Hasegawa: |
P.499 |
Land Molluscs of the Akasaka Imperial Gardens and the Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa, Tokyo |
Abe W. & M. Takeda: |
P.503 |
Semiterrestrial Tardigrades from the Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa, Tokyo, Japan |
Ishizuka, K.: |
P.511 |
Earthworms (Annelida, Oligochaeta) from the Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa, Tokyo, Japan |
Tanaka, M., M. Takeda & M. Nagano: |
P.515 |
Limnological Faunae and Florae of the Ponds in the Akasaka Imperial Gardens, Tokyo, Japan [Plates 1-14] |
Tanaka, M., M. Takeda & M. Nagano: |
P.531 |
Limnological Faunae and Florae of the Garden Ponds of the Prince Akishinonomiya Residence in the Akasaka Imperial Gardens, Tokyo, Japan [Plates 1-6] |
Tanaka, M., M. Takeda & M. Nagano: |
P.541 |
Limnological Faunae and Florae of the Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa, Tokyo, Japan [Plates 1-7] |