Memoirs of the National Science Museum |
date of publication |
Memoirs of the National Science Museum Volume 43 |
2006 |
Owada, M. & M. Takeda: |
P.1 |
Monitoring Survey of Fauna of the Imperial Palace, Tokyo |
Nishiumi,I ., R. Kakizawa, S. Norinomiya & H. Morioka: |
P.5 |
Monitoring of Avifauna at the Imperial Palace, Tokyo, 2000-2005 |
Shigeta, M., Y. Shigeta & H. Endo: |
P.21 |
Day Roosts annd Foraging Areas of the Common Japanese Pipistrelle Bat in the Imperial Palace, Tokyo, Japan |
Sugishima, K.: |
P.31 |
A New Species of the Genus Batrachedra from Japan (Lepidoptera, Colephoridae s 1.) |
Owada, M., Y. Arita, U. Jinbo, Y. Kishida, H. Nakajima, M. Ikeda and N. Hirano: |
P.37 |
Monitoring Survey (2000-2005) of Moths (Insecta, Lepidoptera) in the Garden of the Imperial Palace, Tokyo, Central Japan |
Hisai, N., M. Yano & S.Kubota.: |
P.137 |
Monitoring Survey of Butterflies of the Imperial Palace, Tokyo, 2000-2005 |
Nomura, S., M. Maruyama & S. Arai: |
P.161 |
A Monitoring of Diversity of the Superfamiily Staphylinoidea in the Garden of the Imperial Palace, Tokyo, Japan |
Nomura, S.,T. Kamijo & S. Ichinosawa: |
P.187 |
A Study on the Species Diversity and Dynamics of Air Floating Beetle Community in the Garden of Imperial Palace, Tokyo, Japan -Result of Survey in 2004 by Ground Flight Intercept Traps |
Nambu, T.: |
P.241 |
Monitoring Investigation of Aculeate Hymenoptera of the Imperial Palace, Toyko |
Shinonaga, S.: |
P.255 |
Dipterous Insects from the Imperial Palace, Tokyo |
Suwa, M.: |
P.269 |
Anthomyiidae (Diptera) Collected in the Imperial Palace, Akasaka Imperial Gardens and Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa, Tokyo, Japan |
Shima, H.: |
P.279 |
Tachinidae (Insecta Diptera) of the Imperial Palace, Tokyo (Addenda and Corregenda) |
Okadome, T.: |
P.291 |
Some Heleomyzid and Diastaid Flies (Diptera, Acalypratae) from the Imperial Palace,the Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa and the Akasaka Imperial Gardens, Tokyo |
Beppu, K.: |
P.295 |
Seasonal Change of Drosophilid Assemblage and Adult Age Structure of the Common Drosophilid Species in the Imperial Palace Grounds, Tokyo |
Sasakawa, M.: |
P.335 |
Lauxaniid Flies (Diptera) of the Garden of the Imperial Palace, Tokyo |
Kanmiya, K.: |
P.341 |
Chloropidae (Diptera) from the Imperial Palace, the Akasaka Imperial Gardens, and the Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa, Tokyo |
Tomokuni, M.: |
P.349 |
Additional Material of Heteroptera (Insecta) Collected at the Imperial Palace, the Akasaka Imperial Gardens, and the Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa, Tokyo, Japan |
Kanmiya, K.& R. Sonobe: |
P.355 |
Aleyrodidae (Hemiptera, Sternorrhyncha) of the Garden of the Imperial Palace, the Akasaka Imperial Gardens and the Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa, Tokyo |
Matsumoto, Y.: |
P.369 |
Monitoring Survey of Aphids (Homoptera, Sternorrhyncha) of the Garden of the Imperial Palace, Tokyo |
Saito, Y., M. Owada, S. Kato & S. Inoue: |
P.383 |
Monitoring Survey (2001-2005) of Dragonflies (Odonata) of the Imperial Palace, Tokyo, Central Japan |
Ono, H.: |
P.407 |
Spiders (Arachnida, Araneae) from Garden and Moats of the Imperial Palace, Tokyo, Japan. Results of the Faunistic Investigation Carried Out between 2001 and 2005 |
Tanaka, M., M. Takeda & M. Nagano: |
P.419 |
Protozoans, Rotifers, Cladocerans and Copepods from the Inside Moats of the Imperial Palace, Tokyo.II. |
Konta, F., H. Nishikawa & H. Fujii: |
P.441 |
Meteorological Features of the Fukiage-gyoen Gardens in the Imperial Palace, Tokyo |